WebEx Conferencing Available to All

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There are so many ways for video/web conferencing. Why should I use WebEx? Who: All RUL faculty and staff can initiate a WebEx call to hold virtual meetings. What: A WebEx meeting is an online meeting that allows you to… Continue Reading

Quick Takes on Events and News – March 2018

Three Cheers for Leslin… Instructional design librarian Leslin Charles last month received an award from Rutgers–New Brunswick’s Undergraduate Academic Affairs for generosity and commitment to the education of Rutgers students. As all of us at the Libraries who have worked… Continue Reading

Ex Libris Implementation Project Update – March 2018

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Migration Milestones in February The implementation project continued to move forward at a brisk pace. The Libraries’ Implementation Team finished the Alma configuration form and the Primo Central Index activation form. Ex Libris completed the Alma test data load and… Continue Reading

New Brunswick Faculty Author and Creator Event

celebration of scholarship 2018

New Brunswick Libraries is inviting faculty from Rutgers University-New Brunswick to join their New Brunswick Faculty Author and Creator Event. This year’s event will be an immersive experience, showcasing the full range of RU-NB intellectual output. We will create neighborhoods of content, featuring… Continue Reading

News from the Communications Department

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Lots of new marketing materials available on the communications department website this month. Let us know if you have any other ideas for things that would be useful: Event & Exhibit Flyer Templates These flyer templates are available to local… Continue Reading

The URA-AFT Performance Appraisals Are Due April 30

URA-AFT Performance Appraisal Process is upcoming with the appraisal period running from 5/1/2017 – 4/30/2018. Appraisals must be completed by 4/30/2018. Supervisors can take advantage of University HR training being held on March 20, 2018. Understanding the Performance Appraisal Process… Continue Reading

Library of Science and Medicine Update

New Brunswick (NB) and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) are collaborating to upgrade spaces and publicize library services to our users, in particular those from RBHS schools (Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS), School of Public Health, Ernest Mario… Continue Reading

News from the Communications Department


The Communications Department shared our new website at the State of the Libraries poster session. We have been actively updating the site with more resources and materials that may be of use to you. Our most recent additions are: Marketing… Continue Reading