Ex Libris Implementation Project Update – January 2019

As we move into spring semester, the Ex Libris Implementation Team is working towards optimizing our workflows and resolving remaining issues in the systems. We passed a major milestone in December with the end of our subscription to Symphony. Integrated… Continue Reading

Introducing Browzine

Rutgers University Libraries are pleased to introduce BrowZine, a current awareness tool that allows users to find, read, and monitor the top scholarly journals in their field from almost any device. BrowZine improves discovery of current issues of academic journals… Continue Reading

What’s Happening around Rutgers? November 2018

The Morning After Wednesday, November 7 | 9:30 a.m. Live-streaming on Facebook Hosted by the Eagleton Institute of Politics, The Morning After panel discussion will feature analysis of the results and implications of the 2018 elections. Panelists include: Mike DuHaime,… Continue Reading