Self-Appraisal Reminder

In anticipation of an announcement from University Human Resources regarding the performance appraisal program, managers and supervisors should remind URA-AFT staff to begin a self-appraisal. Managers and supervisors should also ensure that employees have a self-appraisal form that includes an… Continue Reading

Ex Libris Implementation Project Update – March 2019

This month, the Ex Libris Implementation Team welcomed back Megan Drake from Ex Libris for our follow up to the six-month health check. Following two days of meeting with representatives from various Ex Libris working groups, Megan provided some very… Continue Reading

University Librarian’s Report – March 2019

As we learned in Lorcan Dempsey’s presentation in January, collections are one area where academic libraries face strategic choices along a continuum that ranges from cooperation (weakest) to consolidation (strongest), with collaboration in the middle. When does it make sense… Continue Reading

Quick Takes on Events and News – January 2019

Talking Gennett Records Congratulations to Elizabeth Surles, who was recently interviewed for The Music Makers of Gennett Records, a documentary for WTIU, Indiana Public Television. The Institute of Jazz Studies also provided photographs and archival materials for the film. You… Continue Reading

Introducing Libraries HR’s New Website

I’m happy to announce the launch of Libraries HR’s new staff resources website at The goal of this page is to be your new one-stop shop for all things related to human resources at the Libraries. It contains need-to-know… Continue Reading

University Librarian’s Report – January 2019

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you’ve had a restful winter break and are ready to tackle all the challenges of the upcoming semester. Though we are between terms and the activity on campus may have slowed a bit, this… Continue Reading

Dana Library and Institute of Jazz Studies Host Society of American Archivists Workshops

In November and December 2018, Dana Library and the Institute of Jazz Studies hosted a series of five workshops presented by the Society of American Archivists (SAA) via SAA’s “Lone Arranger” Section. The workshops provided free training on archival basics… Continue Reading

Planner and Teams in Connect

The Office of Information Technology has enabled two new Office 365 apps, Planner and Teams, for all Rutgers Connect users. These tools will appear in your Outlook app launcher, aka “waffle.” They work best for users who are members of… Continue Reading