Where in the World is Shared User Services?

SUS graphics

Nearly a year ago, the Libraries reorganized to form a central user services unit, Shared User Services. While we are still building, major structures are coming together. Here’s a progress report to let you know who we are, where you… Continue Reading

2017 Faculty and Staff Appreciation Picnic

I know everyone has been busy over the summer preparing for the fall semester (or recovering from not one, but two major floods in a week!) and it is almost here. Before we get caught up in the work of… Continue Reading

Quick Takes on Events and News — September 2017

Native Arts Expert Visits Alexander Library on September 19 Join the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission and Rutgers University Libraries at Rutgers–New Brunswick in welcoming John Haworth, senior executive emeritus of the National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian… Continue Reading

Toward a Hybrid Model of Organizational Structure

The summer has been flying by! I can’t believe it is already August! In reviewing the past few issues of The Agenda, I realize that most of my posts have related to the structural changes within the university and changes… Continue Reading

Social Media Summit 2017

Social media summit graphic

10 a.m. Introductory Presentation. The Social Media Task Force will lead a discussion of their work over the last year and the resultant social media guidelines and process. 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Round Table Discussions. Share your thoughts and… Continue Reading