Ex Libris Implementation Team Update – January 2020

As you know, the Ex Libris Implementation Team has been working with the Law Libraries since May on a project to migrate their data to Alma and merge their library catalog with ours. During the week of January 6, we will begin the final steps of this migration. To help you navigate this transition, below are answers to some frequently asked questions about the project. If you have additional questions, please send them to the Ex Libris Implementation Team at exlibris@rutgers.libanswers.com.

Q: When are the Law libraries expected to migrate to Alma?

A: The migration is expected to be completed on January 10, 2020.

Q: Will any services be disrupted or temporarily unavailable during the migration?

A: No, Alma and Primo are expected to remain fully operational during the migration.

Q: Will the collections of the Law libraries be discoverable in QuickSearch?

A: Once migration is complete, all materials currently represented in Law’s library catalog will be discoverable in QuickSearch. Law patrons will also be able to access these resources through a separate custom view designed specifically for the Law School. Additional work is required to create and configure Law’s electronic resources. It will take up to 24 hours after go-live for all of Law’s electronic resources begin appearing in QuickSearch. Because this configuration must be done in our live production environment, users may experience intermittent access issues during this time.

Q: Can Law’s circulating collections be borrowed or requested by non-Law School patrons? Are the loan policies the same?

A: Yes, circulating materials can be borrowed or requested by any Rutgers user. To make borrowing between the libraries easier, loan polices have been made uniform.

Q: Are there any resources that are restricted to Law patrons only?

A: Yes, certain electronic resources (such as Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg) are restricted to Law patrons only. Access to these resources is only available from a Law School IP address, via the Law School proxy, or with an assigned username and password. These resources will be visible to all QuickSearch users with a note indicating that access is restricted to Rutgers Law School students, faculty, and staff [view example]. To maximize visibility of this note, direct linking will be deactivated for all Law-restricted resources.

Q: Will the Law migration result in duplicate records?

A: Yes, you may see some duplicate records initially. There are plans to identify and remove duplicate records post go-live.

Q: Where should I refer Law-specific reference and borrowing inquiries?

A: Please direct patrons to contact the appropriate Law library:

Camden Law
Reference (856) 225-6173
Circulation (856) 225-6172
Newark Law
Reference (973) 353-5676
Circulation (973) 353-5677
Q: Who should I contact if I have additional questions?

A: Please send questions or comments to the Ex Libris Implementation Team at exlibris@rutgers.libanswers.com.


Joseph Deodato