NBL’s virtual stressbusters LibGuide.
Real Stress, Virtual Busting
In lieu of physical events this finals season, New Brunswick Libraries have developed a virtual stressbusters LibGuide. Visit it to check out their virtual escape rooms, puzzles, tours, crafting activities and much more! Kudos to Rose Barbalace for her work organizing this resource for our students during what is surely an extra stressful time.
NBMSA Takes the Scene Online
On their Facebook page, the New Brunswick Music Scene Archive will be featuring a series that invites donors and other supporters to share what music they’re listening to and/or performing during this time, what their favorite NBMSA item is, and if they wish, share a related photo. This is a way for us to stay connected with our community while SC/UA is closed and we can’t accept physical donations. Kicking off the series this week will be former SC/UA public history intern Rachel Ferrante, who as part of her internship helped maintain the NBMSA social media presence and solicited donations via her work at 90.3 The Core and involvement in the New Brunswick basement scene. She also designed the NBMSA Facebook page logo!
Congrats Ying!
Congratulations are in order for Yingting Zhang, who has been asked to serve on the Medical Library Association’s 2022 National Program Committee. Her three-year term begins June 1.
Introducing New Jersey’s Historical Newspapers
A round of applause to Jacob Paul for his work editing the New Jersey Digital Newspaper Project’s latest promotional video. Way to go, Jacob!