Alma Analytics Upgrade
Alma Analytics will be upgraded the week of November 1. Users who want to retain their personal reports in My Folders after the upgrade will need to save a copy in the Analytics shared folder’s Migration directory by October 31. Instructions to save your reports for the upgrade can be found here.
New Alma Layout
Ex Libris has introduced a new layout for Alma and items such as the main menu and persistent search box have moved to new locations on the screen. The new layout is currently in a testing phase. Users who want to familiarize themselves with the new layout can toggle it on themselves by following the instructions found here. The new layout becomes the default on November 1.
Esploro Update
The Esploro implementation is proceeding apace. All of our research assets have now been migrated from RUcore to Esploro. Next steps will include data cleanup, system and UI configuration, staff and user training, and integration with the library website. The Esploro research portal is scheduled to be released in January 2021. The rollout will be accompanied by the creation of a new support channel in LibAnswers to answer inquiries related to using the repository, depositing works, and the open access policy.
Chapter Delivery Button
The Chapter Delivery button is now available on many monograph collections in QuickSearch. At a time when access is limited, the addition of button raises awareness of this service and provides our patrons with expedient access to our monograph collection. These requests are being brokered by ILLiad and filled electronically via Document Delivery. Patrons can also continue to access the Book Chapter Request form via their ILLiad account to place requests.
Click and Collect Statistics
Click and Collect usage rose from an average of 211 items per week during the summer to an average of 320 items per week during the semester. The week with the most requests so far was the first week of the semester (August 31-September 6) with 368 requests completed. Graduate students are the most frequent users of Click and Collect at 48% followed by faculty and staff at 36% and undergraduates at 17%. Thanks to the work of our onsite fulfillment teams we have circulated over 3,000 items to users via Click and Collect since the program began on August 3rd.
Fulfillment Workflow Review and Redesign
Efforts to review and redesign workflows supporting Course Reserves, Chapter and Article Delivery, ILL, etc. have begun. High level process mapping is being completed along with preparation for the impending switch to Leganto. Meetings with each campus will be scheduled to discuss the efforts and potential new workflows in more detail. Be on the lookout for more info!