The new SUS space on the third floor of Alexander Library.
Shared User Services has moved, both spatially and virtually. In June, virtually all (pun intended) of the SUS employees relocated. Our email addresses and phone numbers are the same, but for those who value a spatial identifier, here is where you can find us:
Technical Services Building
• Amy Kimura
• Cathy Pecoraro
• Elizabeth York
• Joseph Deodato
• Michele Best
Alexander Library 3rd floor (Library Admin suite)
• Isaiah Beard
• Marty Barnett
• NJEDL project staff and students
• Rhonda Marker
Alexander Library 4th floor
• Laura Costello
SUS has also moved their staff resources information to the “new” staff resources page. You can find information about a variety of digital projects, discovery services, electronic resources, virtual reference, and Web Improvement Team at https://staff.libraries.rutgers.edu/sus. We will soon be expanding our Teaching and Learning section here, too. We’re excited to be the first unit to officially move over to this new site.