Play ball!
RULSA is sponsoring a baseball trip on Sunday, July 20 for the Yankees vs. Kansas City game. The cost of the trip ($13.00 for RULSA members and their families, $13.50 for non-members and their families) will include the bus trip and box seats. The bus will leave the Alexander Library at 11:45 a.m. You may purchase your tickets form Eileen Barron, Douglass Library, extension 9411. The deadline for full payment is Thursday, July 10.
The Agenda 2, no. 27 (July 7, 1980)
Database Searching… Online!
Upon the request of the University Librarian Hendrik Edelman, Pat Piermatti convened a meeting of the Ad Hoc Group for Online Database Searching to discuss the issues involved in providing system-wide online database searching, heretofore offered by LSM and the Camden Law
Library alone….
Evelyn Greenberg presented Alexander Library’s proposal for the provision of online services beginning September 2, 1980. Initially Lockheed Information Systems DIALOG will be accessed for its social sciences and humanities databases. The fee structure and publicity materials must still be decided upon. Debbie Ludwig reviewed the Dana Library Task Force Preliminary Report for the Provision of Online Searching. Dana anticipates the commencement of their online service sometime after January 1, 1981. Debbie will have responsibility for the science databases, while Christine Demidowich will be responsible for the social sciences and humanities databases. The Bibliographic Retrieval Service and DIALOG will be the first two systems accessed.
The Agenda 2, no. 29 (July 21, 1980)