It’s 1987: a Ford Escort costs just under $7,000, Full House debuts on TGIF prime-time, and the Dominion of Fiji is preparing to proclaim itself as a republic. What was happening at the Libraries?
Cinephiles Rejoice!
Media Services has announced a film series on works by director Robert Bresson. Bresson explores themes in his work which are similar to those Bergman addresses. The films focus on philosophical and human problems, dealing with issues of freedom and constraint, love or its lack, life and death, and affirmation or denial.
The films will be shown on Fridays at 7:30 p.m. in Room 200 of Art History Hall on the Douglass Campus.
February 6 Les Dames du Bois De Boulogne
February 13 Lancelot du Lac
February 20 Pickpocket
February 27 Quatre Nuits d’un Reveur (Four Nights of a Dreamer)
The Agenda 9, no. 5 (February 2, 1987)
IRIS Insights
IRIS Update for the week ending February 1, 1987.
RLIN records produced on or before January 23, 1987 were added to IRIS.
New records added: 2,322
New records: 2,717
Records updated: 6,033
New items added: 3,138
Circulation Notices produced and mailed: 3,138
The Agenda 9, no. 6 (February 9, 1987)
Just Say No… to Food
The Rutgers University Libraries will begin an Anti-Food Campaign during March 1987. The purpose of the campaign is to draw the attention of both patrons and staff to the dangers that food and beverages present to the preservation of our library collections, the maintenance of our furnishings and equipment and the appearance of our buildings.
Among items planned for the campaign are exhibits in each of the major libraries, and all campus mailing from the University Librarian’s office, articles in the campus newspapers, announcements on the campus radio station, bookmarks, posters, and notices. Each library will be holding a meeting to discuss the campaign and ways that library staff can help support it.
The Agenda 9, no. 8 (February 23, 1987)