Skype for Business Retiring on July 31, 2021

Effective July 31, 2021, Skype for Business will no longer be provided as part of Rutgers Connect (Office 365).
Effective July 31, 2021, Skype for Business will no longer be provided as part of Rutgers Connect (Office 365) and a three-phased transition to retirement is already underway. Microsoft Teams, the suggested product for voice and video conferencing in the Office 365 suite is already available to all users and is the replacement product for Skype for Business.
Phase 1: New Rutgers Connect accounts will no longer have Skype for Business and it has already been removed from users who have never used the product.
Phase 2: On Monday, February 1, 2021, Skype for Business will be turned off for any user who has not used the product within 90 days.
Phase 3: On Monday, May 3, 2021, Skype for Business will be turned off for all users.
OIT advises that these dates are tentative and subject to change. IIS will provide additional notices closer to the dates mentioned to ensure all affected users are prepared for the upcoming changes.
If you use Skype for Business and have concerns or questions about the transition, please contact IIS at
How to Identify and Report Phishing Scams
Cyber scams targeted at university email accounts are more sophisticated than ever. It’s important to remain vigilant and aware of typical internet fraud in order not to be fooled into clicking on a malicious link, replying to a scam email message, or even making a purchase, supplying identifying information or credit card or bank account numbers to hackers or scammers. The Rutgers Office of Information Technology (OIT) has created Phish Bowl, a comprehensive resource with quick tips to spot and avoid scams, information on latest threats, and other tips.
What should I do if I receive a suspicious email message?
If you receive a message that appears to be a scam or phishing attempt, or are simply unsure, please forward the message and the Message Details to and IIS will review them and report it to OIT if necessary.
What happens next?
If OIT deems the message to be a scam or otherwise dangerous, they will block the sender from sending additional messages to university members and block any links contained in the message. They will often remove the messages in bulk from all recipients’ mailboxes. Further actions, such as scrambling NetID passwords may also be taken when a user has clicked on a link or attachment or replied to an email message. If you find yourself suddenly unable to access your email account or other resources requiring authentication, this is the cause even if you did not realize that you may have received a scam email message.
What is Duo and how will it help?
OIT is implementing a staged rollout of two-factor login using Duo for enhanced security and all Rutgers Connect users who are off campus will have to start using it as of February 3, 2021. Duo will help protect your account by adding a second layer of security beyond your password. Your identity will be verified using a second factor, such as your phone, mobile device, or hardware token, and will prevent anyone but you from logging in even if your password has been compromised.
If you have concerns or questions about phishing or the transition to Duo, please contact IIS at
Help Guides for Web conferencing tools available in the Staff Resources Site
Rutgers University offers three different web conferencing tools to faculty, staff, and students. Want to learn more about these tools? Take a look at the help guides and other training materials that provide detailed information about choosing the best tool and on best practices for security when using these tools. If you have any questions, send an email to