This edition of “This Month in the Agenda” takes us back to November takes us back 25 years to November 1992. What was the latest and greatest from the Libraries?
Coordinator of the Coordinating Committee?

This listing of the Libraries’ committees from November 1992 shows that the organizational structure has changed a bit in the last quarter century.
Dem Bones, Dem Bones
As Halloween got closer, the Library of Science and Medicine had received calls from patrons who wanted to scare their friends:
One caller said she was studying archaeology and wanted to know if the library had any bones she could check out.
Another asked if LSM had skeletons to circulate.
There was only one librarian on the reference desk when the calls came so they pointed out that they had a “skeleton crew” one could observe.
–The Agenda 14, no. 22 (November 1, 1992)
Welcome to the Family
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
cordially invites you to attend
The Dedication of the Art Library
Tuesday, November 17, 1992
at 10:00 a.m.
Art Library – Main Reading Room
College Avenue Campus
New Brunswick, New Jersey
This beautiful new structure blends with its stately neighbors and is part of an arts complex that serves both undergraduate and graduate students.
RSVP (908) 932-7505
(acceptance only)
–The Agenda 14, no. 23 (November 15, 1992)
Getting Electronic
During November and December the libraries are making several databases on OCLC’s patron reference service, FirstSearch, available to the RU community. FirstSearch is easy to use and has many online HELPs. Users do not need any special training or documentation in order to search the databases. Included in the trial are the following databases: WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog) OCLC Serials Table of Contents Database: ContentsFirst and ArticleFirst, Biography Index, Business Periodicals Index, Concise Engineering Index, Consumers Index, ERIC, FactSearch, the GPO Monthly Catalog, Humanities Index, MiniGeoRef, PAIS Decade, Readers’ Guide Abstracts, Readers” Guide Periodical Literature, Social Sciences Index and Wilsons Business Abstracts.
FirstSearch is now a menu choice on INFO as well as on networked terminals in the libraries for the trial period. You can access FirstSearch through library terminals or by dialing into the system by doing the following:
authorization number: 100-081-598
password: solutions
To logoff the system enter: bye
response: y
–The Agenda 14, no. 23 (November 15, 1992)
Changes Afoot at Alexander
Calling Camden?
On January 1, 1993 the exchange for the Camden Campus will change to 225 from 757. Therefore, for example, our number for reference assistance will be 225-6034 instead of 757-6034. Please note that the four digit extension will NOT be affected.
–The Agenda 14, no. 24 (November 29, 1992)
A New Face in Special Collections
Erika Gorder has been named Consumers’ Research Archives Project Assistant. She returns to Special Collections and Archives after working in Government Publications and Circulation in the Alexander Library 1991-92. She will be working with Greg[ory Williams] on the arrangement and description of the Archives and with Jan Riemer on the preservation of the Archives.
–The Agenda 14, no. 24 (November 29, 1992)