This month we travel back in time 38 years to June 1980. What were the hot topics around the Libraries?
Not So Fast

Whether it’s 1980 or 2018, the summer is always a good time for a picnic. (Don’t forget to RSVP for ours in this issue of the Agenda!)
The Library Administration has abandoned plans to sponsor a van to drive ALA conference attendees to New York City. Study has shown that public transportation is more cost effective due to the length of the daily conference schedule and the number of people attending meetings at different hours. Individual transportation arrangements will allow conference participants to be in New York for the meetings they are interested in attending.
Participants whose official work station is New Brunswick or Newark will be reimbursed for bus or train fare to New York from their work station. Participants may, at their option, take a personal car, but reimbursement will be only to the level of train or bus fare.
The Agenda 2, no. 22 (June 2, 1980)
Times Have Changed
Staff Opening: Alexander Library: Circulation Department. Library Assistant III. A primary requirement for this position is keypunching.
The Agenda 2, no. 23 (June 2, 1980)
What’s in a Name?
The Ad Hoc Group for Online Database Searching announces a contest for the name of the newest RUL baby – a system-wide service for online database searching. As an example, we have the name proposed by Jean Hamlin as a parting shot: ROARS Rutgers Online Access Reference Service. If you can top this, submit your suggestion to Pat Piermatti at LSM by July 8. The winner – of a free search on the database of her/his choice – will be announced on July 15.
The Agenda 2, no. 23 (June 9, 1980)
Getting a Little Summer Work Done
The Kilmer Area Library will be closed for a period of five weeks, June 30 to August 1, 1980, in order that the asbestos ceilings may be resealed. The mail for Kilmer will be delivered to Douglass Library and sorted there. Ellie Spielman will be at Douglass until July 17, and Emma Warren will be there during the last three weeks in July. If anyone needs to contact them, or any of the other Kilmer staff through them, please call extension 9407.
The Agenda 2, no. 24 (June 16, 1980)